Electronic Filing and Service Available in the Supreme Court

Electronic filing and service is​ ​mandatory for most new and pending cases in the Supreme Court through the same File and Serve system used in state district courts throughout New Mexico. To view the Supreme Court order and related rule amendments authorizing electronic filing in the Supreme Court​, please click here.

Unlike in the district court, electronic filing and service is available in the Supreme Court at no charge. Payment of the $125 docket fee, however, cannot be accepted through the File and Serve system at this time. Accordingly, for those cases initiated in the Supreme Court through the File and Serve system for which a docket fee is due, payment must be made by check made payable to the New Mexico Supreme Court and received by the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office no later than 5 days after the case is accepted for filing. For more information, please see Rule 12-307.2(C) NMRA.

If you are new to the File and Serve system, follow the instructions below under the heading ” Getting Started in File and Serve”. After you have completed those steps, or if you are already registered and familiar with the File and Serve system, please click here to watch a video providing information specific to e-filing in the Supreme Court.

For a copy of the slides in the video, please click here.

For a document with important information and helpful tips for e-filing in the Supreme Court, please click here. ​

Getting Started in File and Serve

  1. A CAID number is required for attorneys to use File and Serve (NOTE: this is different than a ​State ​Bar number). Your CAID number may appear on your bar card near your state bar number​. The CAID number is a 5-digit number ​– ​​​with the first two digits corresponding to the year your CAID number​​ was issued​, which may be​ followed by a slash​, and​ ​three more digits​ –​ such as “05/111”. Attorney CAID Numbers are located on the Attorney Bar Card and can be located by logging into the Attorney Portal on the State Bar of New Mexico website:  https://www.sbnm.org/Login.
  2. ​Register for an account in File and Serve by clicking here and selecting the Register button on the New Mexico File and Serve home page​.​
  3. You are ready to begin ​electronic ​filing in the Supreme Court​ and in a wide range of civil actions in the district courts.

New to File and Serve?

If you are new to the File and Serve system, please scroll up to Getting Started in File and Serve on this page, and follow the instructions.

Already Registered?

If you’re already registered and have a File and Serve account, continue to use your current account.

File and Serve Resources