Supreme Court / Rules, Forms & Files / Administrative Orders
Administrative Orders
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00002 In the Matter of Domestic Violence Proceedings attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00004 Consolidation of the District and Magistrate Courts attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00005 Magistrate Policy Directives ATTACHMENT
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00006 Effective Administration of the Magistrate Court System in NM attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00007 Adoption of Harassment Policy ATTACHMENT 1 (Policy)
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00007 Adoption of Harassment Policy attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00007 Adoption of Harassment Policy ATTACHMENT 2 (Appendix)
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00008 In the Matter of Reappointments to the Budget Committee attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00009 In the Matter of the Implementation of the Scribing Program attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00014 NMJB Compensation Initiative Attorneys Fiscal Year 2024 attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00017 In the Matter of the Assignment of Supreme Court Parking Spaces attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00019 Election of David K. Thomson as Chief Justice attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00020 In the Matter of the Withdrawal of Order No. 22-8500-013 attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00021 Ethics Commission Designation Dustin K Hunter Section 10-16G-10J attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00023 E-Filing in Magistrate Courts attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00024 FY25 SC NMJB Compensation Initiative attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00025 Procedures for Requesting Judges Pro Tempore attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00025 Procedures for Requesting Judges Pro Tempore Attachment
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00027 – LOPD Cyber Attack attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00029 In the Matter of Designating Adminstrative Authority for 10th JDC attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00031 In the Matter of Inactive Suspended Attorneys attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00034 Setting forth Requirements for Clerkship Applications attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00035 LOPD Cyber Attack Order Withdrawing attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00036 NMJB Compensation Initiative attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00037 Order Appointing AOC director attest
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00038 Witness Fee Fund Payment Guidelines
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00038 Witness Fee Fund Payment Guidelines Attachment 1
Order No. S-1-AO-2024-00042 In the Matter of the Remote Voir Dire Pilot Program
S-1-AO-2023-00025 In the Matter of Proposed Public Censures 12.13.23 attest
S-1-AO-2023-00024 In the Matter of the Carry-Over Limit for Self-Study MCLE Credit Hours 12.13.23
S-1-AO-2023-00023 In the Matter of Electronic Devices in the Supreme Court Building
S-1-AO-2023-00022 In the Matter of the Tribal-State Judicial Consortium
S-1-AO-2023-00021 In the Matter of the Reorg of the NM Commission on Access to Justice
S-1-AO-2023-00019 Level Three Certified Officers at NMSC
S-1-AO-2023-00018 In the Matter of the Courthouse Assessment Plan
S-1-AO-2023-00016 In the Matter of the Withdrawal of Supreme Court Order No. 22-8500-021
S-1-AO-2023-00014 In the Matter of Court Closure on August 18 and 21 2023 attest
S-1-AO-2023-00012 Expansion of the Remote Voir Dire Pilot Program 7.17.23
S-1-AO-2023-00012 AMENDED Expansion of the Remote Voir Dire Pilot Program 7.18.23
S-1-AO-2023-00010 Work of the Courthouse Security Committee 6.27.23 attest
S-1-AO-2023-00009 Reorganization and Renaming of the Judicial Technology Committee 6.27.23 attest
S-1-AO-2023-00008 Newly Acquired Court Technology and Approval of Use by JTech 6.27.23 attest
S-1-AO-2023-00006 In the Matter of Permitting Virtual Attendance at the NM Law Course 6.21.23
S-1-AO-2023-00005 In the Matter of Historical Applicant Files of the BBE 6.21.23
Order No. 23-8500-020 Designation of Supreme Court Records Custodian 5.18.23
Order No. 23-8500-018 Order Designating Adminstrative Authority for Metro Court 5.4.23
Order No. 23-8500-014 In the Matter of Appointments to the Budget Committee 4.6.23
Order No. 23-8500-013 In the Matter of the Remote and In-Person Committee Recommendations (3.31.23)
Order No. 23-8500-011 In the Matter of Filing Court Documents by Email and Fax (3.31.23) (1)
Order No. 23-8500-008 Order Designating Adminstrative Authority for the 13th signed by CJ Bacon
Order No. 23-8500-004 Authorizing Remote Voir Dire Pilot Programs 1.30.23
Order No. 23-8500-001 In the Matter of the Withdrawal of the Eviction and Diversion Program 1.9.23
Order No. 22-8500-001 Lifting the Stay of Writs of Restitution under ORRA and MHPA (1-4-22)
Order No. 22-8500-028 In the Matter of the Courthouse Secuirty Committee (Amended) 6.14.22
Order No. 22-8500-024 Order Reinstating Order No. 20-8500-024 (signed)
Order No. 22-8500-022 Final Budget Committee Order 5.6.2022
Order No. 22-8500-021 (Convening Grand Jury in First JD) (4-19-22)
Order No. 22-8500-020 (Election of C. Shannon Bacon as Chief Justice)
Order No. 22-8500-019 (Approving Multilingual Eviction Forms – RCR 1212)
Order No. 22-8500-018 (Amending PHE Protocol Nos. 1, 2 & 3; eff. 3-24-22)
Order No. 22-8500-015 Adoption of New Mexico Budget Committee Charter (3-18-22)
Order No. 22-8500-014 Suspension of Online Dispute Resolution Pilot Project (3-17-22)
Order No. 22-8500-011 Mandatory Cyber Security Training for the Judiciary
Order No. 22-8500-010 (Amending PHE Protocol Nos. 1,2, & 3) Effective 3-21-22
Order No. 22-8500-009 District Court Civil Cases During COVID (2.14.22)
Order No. 22-8500-008 Adoption of the Revised NMACTH (2.14.22)
Order No. 22-8500-007 (Order Suspending Peremptory Excusals in Criminal Cases Effective 2-1-22)
Order No. 22-8500-006 Unified Budget Order (1-20-22)
Order No. 22-8500-005 Presiding Magistrate Judge Duties
Order No. 22-8500-004 In the Matter of the Effective Admin of the Mag Court System in NM (1-20-22)
Order No. 22-8500-003 (Amending PHE Protocol Nos. 1 & 3) Effective 1-18-22
Order No. 22-8500-002 District Court Settlement Conferences (1.14.22)
Order No. 21-8500-021 and Amended Emergency Court Protocols, effective 8-23-2021 (1)
Combined Order No. 21-8500-020 Amending PHE Protocol No. 1 (8-09-21)
Order No. 21-8500-016 Amendings Protocols
Order No. 21-8500-015 Amending PHE Protocols Nos.1 and 2 (6-29-21).
Order No. 21-8500-014 In the Matter of Compensation of Judges Pro Tempore (06.28.2021)
Order No. 21-8500-009 Amending PHE Protocol No.1 (6-4-21)
Order No. 21-8500-008 Amendment of Protocols Combined with FAQs
Order No. 21-8500-007 Amending PHE Protocol No.1 (5-4-21 effective 5-5-21)
Order No. 20-8500-042 (Amending PHE Protocols 1, 2, and 3 12-14-20)
Order No. 20-8500-040 Amending PHE Protocol No.1 and Protocol (11-20-20) (1)
Order No. 20-8500-039 Amending PHE Protocols Nos 1, 2 and 3 13 Nov 2020
Order No. 20-8500-038 Amending PHE Protocol No. 1 (10-15-20)
Order No. 20-8500-037 Amending PHE Protocol No. 1 (9-4-20)
Order No. 20-8500-020 In the Matter of Recommencing Jury Trials 5.28.20
Order No. 20-8500-016 In the Matter of the Continuity of Court Operations 5.8.20
Order No. 20-8500-014 (Extending Stay of In-Person Visits with Children in Custody of CYFD 42320)
Order No. 20-8500-013 In the Matter of Updated Precautionary Measures for Court Operations 4.16.20