Customary rules of decorum are observed when attending sessions of the New Mexico Supreme Court. See Rule 23-104 NMRA. The Court convenes promptly at its announced starting times. Attorneys must check in at the Clerk’s Office at least 15 minutes early. And the timely arrival of visitors is encouraged.

Tan pronto como los miembros del Tribunal están listos para ocupar el estrado, el actuario del tribunal o el actuario delegado anunciarán que la Corte abre la sesión. Cuando el actuario pide a los asistentes que “atiendan a la Corte”, todas las personas presentes en la sala deben ponerse de pie y permanecer así hasta que todos los miembros de la Corte hayan tomado asiento. Del mismo modo, al levantarse la sesión, todas las personas se pondrán de pie hasta que el último juez haya abandonado el estrado.

All phones must be turned off or placed in silent mode while in the courtroom. Smoking is prohibited throughout the building, and food, drink, and gum chewing are not permitted in the courtroom. Photography in the courtroom is not permitted Rule 23-107 NMRA without prior approval of the Clerk. All conversation must be kept to a minimum and at a volume that is not disruptive to the court proceeding. All visitors must comply with all directives by the security officers, clerks and other Court officials in the courtroom.